After 15 Years of Research, I Can Show That God is in Fact the Sky God Jupiter

Monday, October 11, 2010
Using comparative mythology, linguistics, archeology and the earliest written histories, I have been able to show that all the great mythologies of the ancient world and the earliest books of the old testament of the Bible have a common origin.

The Lord God of the Bible is the Indo-European Sky-God Jupiter. His name means the jealous one from Indo-European "Ja-", meaning "jealous". Belief in this great Sky God is in fact the origin of all modern religions. Whether we speak of the God of the Old Testament from Judeo-Christian beliefs, Allah of the Muslims, Indra of the Hindus, Zeus of the Ancient Greeks, Jupiter of the Romans or Allfather of the Norseman, he is the same deity, the Great Sky God whose lightening and thunder held men in awe throughout the centuries.

Norse mythology comes from the Middle East and the Norse place of beginning called MIDGARD is the same place as the biblical GARDEN of EDEN. It was in Thrace, in the Balkans. It is from Norse mythology that we learn about Elves and Dwarfs and dragons. These 'fairy tale' characters all actually existed. Biblical Abel was an Elf, the two names are cognate and come from the Indo-European word for white. Kain was a god (cognate with Goth, meaning "Comrade"). He was tall, rugged, red-haired, blue-eyed and covered in tattoos. Abel was short and blond and not Kain's brother; he was not even of the same race. There is a lot more that I have discovered, but I think this much will be sufficient to whet your appetites and get the ball rolling on this subject.


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